Monday, April 06, 2009

We're all going to the Zoo...zoo we're all going to the zoo (Cern Zoo) Nemo Nine

Had a great bit of news last night from D.F.Lewis that he wanted to publish the story I sent him in his next Nemonymous Edition which is number Nine and will be called Cern Zoo and hopefully will be hot off the press in July 2009. Des had hundreds of submissions sent in and out of those he has chosen 24 authors to feature in the anthology. As with all Nemonymous books the authors will be named but you will not know who wrote which story until some future date. So, everyone sing a long please- *We're all going to the Zoo..zoo.. we're all going to the zoo!*
This has to be the anthology to get this year, any dis cern ing reader will know that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If nothing else it will be an adventure.