Tuesday, February 27, 2007

'Flames' is smouldering... combustion date 10th March 2007

Just a quick update on the book. Diggory Press have now shown it as available for purchase from 10th March 2007 on their site. It will also be available from FROM LEADING WEBSITES SUCH AS AMAZON, BARNES AND NOBLE, PLAY.COM, POWELLS.COM, TESCO.COM,WH SMITH.

Flames of Herakleitos

Steve Upham and I will be approaching bricks and mortar bookstores too, however, you should be able to quote the ISBN number to them and order it, even if it isn't on their shelves.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Which Science Fiction Writer Are You?

Thought I'd give this a try and here's the result :-

I am:
Frank Herbert
His style is often stilted, but he created what some consider the greatest SF novel of all time.

Which science fiction writer are you?

Ahh... if only I have the talent that this guy had in his little finger, then I'd be more than happy :)

Paul: What do you call the mouse shadow on the second moon?
Stilgar: We call that one Muad'Dib.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blurb on Sfcrowsnest

I've been lucky enough to have a bit of blurb on that most esteemed SF/F Site http://www.sfcrowsnest.com/which reports on the upcoming book launch and other authors who are getting work published by Screamingdreams. Thank you Geoff :)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Youwriteon Book Of The Year Announced!

The first Youwriteon Book Of The Year has been announced and my hearty congratulations goes to UK's Guy Saville for his story, The Africa Reich. Second place went to Patricia J. Delois and third to Michael Alan. YWO also decided to make a children's book award and first place for that went to, H.J.Windsor, second place to S.Star and third to Bob Burke, congrats to everyone listed and good luck with placing your stories.
Flames of Herakleitos was in contention but once agreements were made with Steve Upham of Screamingdreams that the book would be published by him it had to be withdrawn.

YWO has proven to be a great help to all budding novelists. Feedback from the writers who contribute has been outstanding and, in my case, a great help in smoothing out kinks in the plot, grammatical errors etc. The site boasts a hell of a lot of hits per month which demonstrates its popularity and best of all, IT'S ALL FREE! so get over there now and take a look!

There is some blurb on the BBC page too and here's a link:

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My first ISBN!

Well the ISBN for Flames of Herakleitos has come through to Steve over on Screamingdreams. It's the first one for me (I have been in a few anthos and shared ISBNs but this is mine, all mine!)
Editing the damn thing is scary though, I'm on my third PDF from Steve and hopefully the last. It's really surprising how you still come across errors even after reading through your manuscript loads and loads of times. I think the writer must see things more in his mind than what is actually on the page and accepts what he thinks is right even though the text is actually wrong. For example I found I put from instead of form, yet I must have skipped over that mistake at least a dozen or more times. Oh well, fingers crossed, this might be the last edit...